Friday, July 15, 2011

My right to speak: The right to have a child

My right to speak: The right to have a child: "Why is it that in America we have to have a license for everything--drivers license--to be a lawyer ---to own a business--a special one for ..."

My right to speak: college conspiracy

My right to speak: college conspiracy: "I highly encourage anyone who can read and is still breathing to watch COLLEGE CONSPIRACY on you tube. It will blow your mind."

My right to speak: deficit nightmare

My right to speak: deficit nightmare: "I am sick and tired of all of our very highly paid politicians throwing away our money. It is our government--esp. in past 10 or so years an..."

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The right to have a child

Why is it that in America we have to have a license for everything--drivers license--to be a lawyer ---to own a business--a special one for driving trucks ect.................yet any moron can have a child---regardless of financial ability or not. We wonder why we have so many stupid children--hello ---the parents. What dumbass in his-her right mind would have a child knowing full well that they dont have the finances to cover the expenses for the care of the child---then they go on public assistance(another way to put this is the tax payers of this USA have to flip the womenbill) in other words--You and I are paying child support for other peoples children. This is one more clear reason for the American people to get on your congressmans ass for wasting our money. Im sorry America but I refuse to pay for food and lodging for someone who doesn't have the brains enough to keep her legs closed. And what makes this situation so pathetic is the states enable these women to stay lazy. a very high % of these women go on to have 1 or 2 more babies while still under the care of the food stamp and W.I.C. programs. This is disgusting. These children grow up typically to be our crack dealers,rapists and violent offenders. These women should be thrown in jailfor purposely defrauding the American people. You should need to obtain a license  to have a child---If you cant financially be able to afford one then you have to wait. Just like a new car.------------------Gclef

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

college conspiracy

I highly encourage anyone who can read and is still breathing to watch COLLEGE CONSPIRACY  on you tube. It will blow your mind.

deficit nightmare

I am sick and tired of all of our very highly paid politicians throwing away our money. It is our government--esp. in past 10 or so years and esp. Oboma and the rest of the clan of the past 2 yrs. that have really put this country at risk. I guess were going to hold back 580 million from packistan.this is a no brainer--why in Gods name are we giving those losers our tax dollars. America it is time we get angry with our federal government and their spending practices---you might as well give your tax dollars to a crack smokin drunken teenager. Im sick of paying taxes to a corrupt institution--I encourage my fellow Americans to work for cash--take your money out of your banks---my allegiance is not to a country who throws away our money--my allegiance is to myself because I'm the only one who seems to care about my future---hey Oboma --Quit spending Americas money in the middle east---we cannot be the worlds savior---you need to take care of Americans first. Is it possible we have a President that is secretly trying to destroy our economy---Do you really think that he knows what it is like to go hungry--give me a break-the guy is a millionaire--he is not feeling the recession---none of congress is. While your eating mac@cheese they get filet mignon.